Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Addiction, Smoking, and Health Laboratory

Join Smoking Research

PSU invites 150 adults who smoke daily to participate in a research study.

This research is being done to find out how brain activity is related to smoking behavior (such as deciding whether or not to smoke a cigarette) and the experience of craving and emotions (such as feeling happy or sad).

Light bulb brain on clipboard

What does the study involve?

Participants will be asked to attend two in-person meetings and complete an MRI scan.

Have questions?

Call (814) 867-2333 to speak directly with the research team at any time.

You do not need to quit smoking.

You will be asked to abstain from smoking and using any other nicotine products for 12 hours and from using alcohol and recreational drugs for 24 hours before the second visit.

Why join?

  • Be compensated $175
  • Contribute to research on the connections between brain activity and smoking habits
Brain and head

Additional Study Information

You will be asked to attend two in-person visits for this study. Each visit is completed on a different day.

  • For the first in-person session, you will be asked to visit our lab located on the University Park campus of Penn State University for about 2.5 hours. During the visit, you will answer questions on a computer and practice what it feels like to be in an MRI scanner.
  • For the second in-person session, you will be asked to visit our lab at Penn State for about 3.5 hours. During the visit, you will answer questions on a computer and complete tasks while in an MRI scanner. You will be asked not to smoke or use any other nicotine products for 12 hours prior to the visit (which will be verified with a test).